1st May
All league results have now been tabulated and final standings determined.
A very close finish in Division One with Yeovil 1 taking the top spot by a single point from reigning champions Weymouth Network. Yeovil made it a clean sweep with Yeovil 2 top of Division Two ahead of Preston Racketeers.
29th Apr
The Knock-Out finals took place last night. Congratulations to the winners Bridport Royals (Cup) and Charmouth (Plate). Commiserations to the losers.
20th Apr
The Divisional tournaments took place last night.
The Div1 tournament was very close, won in the end by a single point!
The Div2 tournament had to be cancelled.
18th Mar
Organisation for the annual bash is well in hand. Weymouth Sports courtesy of Hannah and Ruth are organising it this year and will be holding a themed disco at Cerne Abbas village hall on 12th May.
Get your tickets early to avoid disappointment!
Don't forget to bring your own drinks!
Ticket prices are just £12 per person to include dancing and food.
Cheques should be made payable to West Dorset Badminton League and sent to the Treasurer.
29th Jan
Congratulations to Sophie Suter and Ollie James on winning their respective Junior tournaments.
15th Jan
Congratulations to Lee Lavis (Dorchester) and Katie White (Gryphon) winners of the PartnerSwap tournament.
Full results can be found here.
1st Nov
The Veterans tournament was won by Matt Hillman and Debbie Lelliot with Andy Knox and Liz Osborne in 2nd place.
Full results can be found here.
7th Oct
The Handicap tournaments were well attended last weekend and for the very first time there were enough entries in the ladies doubles to hold the tournament. Congratulations to Colleen and Iuli for being the inaugural winners of the ladies trophy and to all the other ladies pairs that entered. Congratulations also to Bis and James for winning the mens doubles and to Lee and Angie who won the mixed doubles. Everyone who entered both the levels and mixed tournaments was feeling a bit jaded come the end, but well done to everyone who took part.
Full results can be found here.
4th Sep
The Handicap tournament has been moved from Westlands to Gryphon. Date and time remain unchanged.
12th Jul - AGM
At the AGM it was agreed to suspend the FourTwo League for the coming season following the withdrawal of both Weymouth Sports and Yeovil 2 resulting in too few teams to support a viable league. Hopefully it will be reinstated in future years.
Yeovil have entered a 2nd team into the Mixed league, playing in division 2.