Results expected

M1 - Gryphon 2 vs Weymouth Sports
M1 - Cerne Abbas vs Wareham & Purbeck

Coming matches

This week:
No fixtures

Next week:
Tue - T1 - Dorchester vs Yeovil 2
Tue - T1 - Gryphon 2 vs Preston Racketeers

News from around the League - 2021/22

16th Jul

All clubs are requested to indicate whether they will play in the League programme due to start in October, and how many teams they will enter. There are 2 options for how we proceed with the Mixed league, both involving reducing the number of pairs per team to two. There is also an option to restart the FourTwo league with just 4 players per team, possibly to be known as the ThreeOne. All options are designed to reduce travelling expenses as teams could travel in a single car, and also to reduce court time by finishing matches within 2 hours on 2 courts.
Replies to the Secretary are requested by 29th July so that we can plan an EGM.

28th Jun

At the committee meeting tonight it was decided to restart the League in October with a changed format requiring only 2 pairs per team. An EGM will be arranged to agree this change prior to the AGM where fixtures will be organised.

The previously planned AGM on 13th July has been postponed.

21st Sep

At the committee meeting tonight it was apparent that too few teams were prepared to commit to playing in the League this season and therefore any formal resumption of the League will be delayed until the 2022/23 season.
In the meantime clubs are to be approached to see whether matches from the incomplete 2019/20 season could be played to effectively complete that season, and to perhaps organise a friendly mini-league to keep interest alive pending a full resumption.

10th Sep

A committee meeting is being organised for 21st September. This will be the precursor to getting the league started and will be followed by an AGM and fixture meeting (date to be advised).

13th Jul

Still no news regarding getting the League running.


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