
Result of the Veterans Tournament - 2004/05

Playing in a single group, every pair played every other pair in a single game to 21 points with no setting. Starting scores in each game were determined according to the combined age of the pair, the greater the total age, the more points were awarded.

Before the tournament began, it was decided (because only one group was required) that if a single pair were to win all of their games, they would be declared the tournament winners. If no pair won all of their games, then the 2 pairs who won most games would contest a final.

It looked as though Cyndy & Andrew were on their way to winning outright, but in their last game, against Janet & Jon, they fell 0-15 behind before rallying to 18-15 and finally losing 20-21!

Thus a final was required, between Cyndy & Andrew and Lynn & Suresh, which Cyndy & Andy duly won 21-12.

The results of the games were as follows:

  Cyndy & Andrew Cheryl & Tim Julie & Cliff Janet & Jon Lynn & Suresh Della & Stephen Jackie & David Maria & Lester Sandy & Eric   Games Won     Rank
Cyndy Mudford
Andrew Bentley
 2121202121212121  7 1st
Cheryl Bendoraitis
Tim Martin
15 2121921202119  4 5th
Julie Hillier
Cliff Aston
1011 212121172121  5 3rd
Janet Martin
Jon Reed
212018 1321212121  5 4th
Lynn Miller
Suresh Gandhi
11211621 21212121  6 2nd
Della Salter
Stephen Rowell
12185169 212121  3 8th
Jackie Malton
David Calway
15212119919 2117  3 6th
Maria Tolley
Lester Cawley
83712291 10  0 9th
Sandy Sheldon
Eric Samways
1821171612122121   3 7th


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