Results expected

M1 - Cerne Abbas vs Wareham & Purbeck
T1 - Dorchester vs Yeovil 2
T1 - Gryphon 2 vs Preston Racketeers

Coming matches

This week:
No fixtures

Next week:
Mon - T1 - Sherborne vs Yeovil 1
Thu - M1 - Cerne Abbas vs Yeovil
Fri - M1 - Weymouth Sports vs Wareham & Purbeck


Welcome to the website for the West Dorset Badminton League (WDBL).

The WDBL was formed with the object of providing competitive league and tournament badminton for clubs located in the West Dorset and South Somerset area.

The WDBL’s affairs are managed by an Executive Committee with reference to the Constitution and Rules and any motions carried at General Meetings.

Any club based within a 30 mile radius of Abbotsbury Hill (Grid Reference SY556865) is eligible to enter teams into the League. The location map shows the approximate locations of all clubs currently playing in the League.

If you represent a club and are interested in joining the League please contact us with your details.